If you are a woman, and you are crossing 40, then you must undergo all these medical tests. These tests are extremely important for woman as prevention is better than cure. The premenopause phase of life for women is extremely crucial as they start putting on weight, undergo hormonal changes and have a lot of other health problems too.

1. Pap Smear

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Pap smear test is a must for women once they turn 40 as this helps to prevent any risk of cervical cancer.

2. Thyroid Functioning

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If you have pain in legs, hands and joints along with swelling, then you must check for Thyroid. Few have hypothyroidism and few have hyperthyroidism.

3. Mammogram

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Most of the medical journals report that women who have crossed 40 are suffering from breast cancer. The best way to prevent it is to take Mammogram examination.

4. Bone Density

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It is best to undergo a preventive bone density checkup post 40 years. This helps to prevent any kind of fracture and break in the bones.

5. Heart

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This helps in preventing sudden death due to cardiac arrest.

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